Olesya loves numbers consisting of n digits, and Rodion only likes numbers that are divisible by t. Find some number that satisfies both of them.
Your task is: given the n and t print an integer strictly larger than zero consisting of n digits that is divisible by t. If such number doesn't exist, print - 1.
The single line contains two numbers, n and t (1 ≤ n ≤ 100, 2 ≤ t ≤ 10) — the length of the number and the number it should be divisible by.
Print one such positive number without leading zeroes, — the answer to the problem, or - 1, if such number doesn't exist. If there are multiple possible answers, you are allowed to print any of them.
3 2
Kolya loves putting gnomes at the circle table and giving them coins, and Tanya loves studying triplets of gnomes, sitting in the vertexes of an equilateral triangle.
More formally, there are 3n gnomes sitting in a circle. Each gnome can have from 1 to 3 coins. Let's number the places in the order they occur in the circle by numbers from 0 to 3n - 1, let the gnome sitting on the i-th place have ai coins. If there is an integer i (0 ≤ i < n) such that ai + ai + n + ai + 2n ≠ 6, then Tanya is satisfied.
Count the number of ways to choose ai so that Tanya is satisfied. As there can be many ways of distributing coins, print the remainder of this number modulo 109 + 7. Two ways, a and b, are considered distinct if there is index i (0 ≤ i < 3n), such that ai ≠ bi (that is, some gnome got different number of coins in these two ways).
A single line contains number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105) — the number of the gnomes divided by three.
Print a single number — the remainder of the number of variants of distributing coins that satisfy Tanya modulo 109 + 7.
20 ways for n = 1 (gnome with index 0 sits on the top of the triangle, gnome 1 on the right vertex, gnome 2 on the left vertex):
题目大意:在一个圆上有3n个点,依次编号,相邻两点间距离相等。每个点上可以放1~3个硬币,设$a_i$为第i个点的硬币数。求有多少种放硬币的方案满足至少存在一个i使$a_i+a_{i+n}+a_{i+2n}\neq 6$。
正解是$3^{3n}-7^n$。但是我太弱了,没有想到,于是用了个很麻烦的做法。枚举有多少个i满足$a_i+a_{i+n}+a_{i+2n}=6$,分别计算答案,最终答案是$\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}7^i\times 20^{n-i}C_n^i$。
Marina loves strings of the same length and Vasya loves when there is a third string, different from them in exactly t characters. Help Vasya find at least one such string.
More formally, you are given two strings s1, s2 of length n and number t. Let's denote as f(a, b) the number of characters in which strings a and b are different. Then your task will be to find any string s3 of length n, such that f(s1, s3) = f(s2, s3) = t. If there is no such string, print - 1.
The first line contains two integers n and t (1 ≤ n ≤ 105, 0 ≤ t ≤ n).
The second line contains string s1 of length n, consisting of lowercase English letters.
The third line contain string s2 of length n, consisting of lowercase English letters.
Print a string of length n, differing from string s1 and from s2 in exactly t characters. Your string should consist only from lowercase English letters. If such string doesn't exist, print -1.
3 2 abc xyc
1 0 c b
类似f的定义,可以定义$g\left(a,b\right)$为对应位置字符相同的个数,题目可以转化为求s3使$g\left(s1,s3\right)=g\left(s2,s3\right)=n-t$。优先选择s1和s2对应对应相等的位置,设这样的位置有cnt个。如果$cnt\ge n-t$,选择n-t个这样的位置和s3相同,所有剩下位置都和s3不同。否则就还需要$\left(n-t-cnt\right)\times 2$个s1和s2不同的位置,使s3在这些位置上一半和s1相等,一半和s2相等。如果找不到足够的位置,则无解。
Dima loves representing an odd number as the sum of multiple primes, and Lisa loves it when there are at most three primes. Help them to represent the given number as the sum of at most than three primes.
More formally, you are given an odd numer n. Find a set of numbers pi (1 ≤ i ≤ k), such that
- 1 ≤ k ≤ 3
- pi is a prime
The numbers pi do not necessarily have to be distinct. It is guaranteed that at least one possible solution exists.
The single line contains an odd number n (3 ≤ n < 109).
In the first line print k (1 ≤ k ≤ 3), showing how many numbers are in the representation you found.
In the second line print numbers pi in any order. If there are multiple possible solutions, you can print any of them.
3 5 11 11
A prime is an integer strictly larger than one that is divisible only by one and by itself.
Anton loves transforming one permutation into another one by swapping elements for money, and Ira doesn't like paying for stupid games. Help them obtain the required permutation by paying as little money as possible.
More formally, we have two permutations, p and s of numbers from 1 to n. We can swap pi and pj, by paying |i - j| coins for it. Find and print the smallest number of coins required to obtain permutation s from permutation p. Also print the sequence of swap operations at which we obtain a solution.
The first line contains a single number n (1 ≤ n ≤ 2000) — the length of the permutations.
The second line contains a sequence of n numbers from 1 to n — permutation p. Each number from 1 to n occurs exactly once in this line.
The third line contains a sequence of n numbers from 1 to n — permutation s. Each number from 1 to n occurs once in this line.
In the first line print the minimum number of coins that you need to spend to transform permutation p into permutation s.
In the second line print number k (0 ≤ k ≤ 2·106) — the number of operations needed to get the solution.
In the next k lines print the operations. Each line must contain two numbers i and j (1 ≤ i, j ≤ n, i ≠ j), which means that you need to swap pi and pj.
It is guaranteed that the solution exists.
4 4 2 1 3 3 2 4 1
3 2 4 3 3 1
In the first sample test we swap numbers on positions 3 and 4 and permutation p becomes 4 2 3 1. We pay |3 - 4| = 1 coins for that. On second turn we swap numbers on positions 1 and 3 and get permutation 3241 equal to s. We pay |3 - 1| = 2 coins for that. In total we pay three coins.
考虑要把n放到最右边,设$p_{pos}=n$,如果存在一个pos2使$pos<pos2$且$p_{pos2}\leq pos$,那么交换它们一定是优的。根据抽屉原理,在n移到最右边以前,这样的pos2总是存在。